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ABouT me


always changing

​I'm COACH aC 

My fitness journey began one day when I was 16 years old. 


The reason was I was at my lowest. No confidence, always pulling my shirt to hide my stomach, bad genetics to blame, scared to take my shirt off, the whole 9 yards. 


I remember that day like it was yesterday. Little did I know that making that simple choice of starting somewhere would set me on my path that I am grateful for to this day. 


Theres a saying I like to use and it is day one or ONE DAY?


I have a question for you to reflect on… 


Do You Believe In Yourself? Take a second and think about that. 


If the answer was in any way shape or form a no. This is why I am here. 


I am not like most coaches or trainers. I believe truly that I am here to help others. 


Back In 2016 I studied Kinesiology which is the study of the body and it really opened my eyes to how important your health is. 




Without your health you can have all the money in the world but you can’t do much with it. 


A crucial part of hiring me as your coach is ACCOUNTABILITY. 


I will not let you fail. Knowing you have me in your corner will make you think twice about eating that bad food or skipping that workout. 


I have seen many people come and go. Accomplish the goal they set then start from square 1 a few months later. Why does that happen? Maybe that has happened to you. 


Here’s why… It’s because they missed the most important piece of the puzzle. 


Having someone who will hold you to your word & push you to become better each and every day!




The times when you want to give up, I will push your mind and keep you going.


The times when you want to give in and eat everything, you will think twice. 


Remember change is a good thing. It can be scary at first… but once you see how much better you feel. YOU WON’T GO BACK. 


Whatever your goals may be, whether you want to lose fat, build muscle or both. We will make it happen.

We are Always Changing.



Education & Experience

Having earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology I understand the fundamentals of how the body works. Through practical application along with trial & error my goal is to help save you the mistakes I’ve made in the past.  Results do not lie.



Personalized Workouts

Workouts are CUSTOM to you and your goals. 


We build a routine you will stick to and not give up doing. 


Always changing workouts so you never get bored and we get CONSISTENT results. 

Flexible Hours

I work around your schedule.


I am here for you.


Different Packages INCLUDE: Daily Calls


I will support your fitness journey every step of the way the best way I know I can. 



Exercise alone does not work. Eating healthy is a big piece of the puzzle. We build a eating lifestyle plan that makes it easy for you to make simple changes. 

I help simplify this process for you when you hire me. 

Why Work with me?


"Arick is amazing. His attention to my personal issues was something I needed. He held me accountable and I went from skinny and unmotivated to a whole different way of looking at life.

I am happy and now more confident with myself. I recommend Arick

 to anyone looking for great quality communication and results."

- robert



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